Dan's greatest love is selecting happy, vocal-driven tracks that set his listeners' hearts soaring. He has a special place in his heart for the flaggers and loves seeing them move and groove to the music he brings. Dan is an accomplished flagger of over 20 years. He brings his artistry of flagging, his flag making, and outgoing self-expression to all his activities. He appreciates the way flagging allows people to connect with their bodies and the sheer joy it brings both to them and to the people who watch. He regularly performs for the flagging community in San Francisco at Flagging Open Studio, and events including Bearrison Street Fair, Flag Alley, and SFO Celebrates Pride. Dan previously participated at Flagging In The Desert—one of his favorite flagging events. This year, he’s excited to be a part of it from a different angle as a DJ! You can hear his music on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/danielgvanolst
The new Palm Springs AIDS Memorial will be a well of love in the desert. It is a gathering place for love, in much the same way that Palm Springs was a gathering place for those with HIV/AIDS early in the pandemic. People came to Palm Springs because they knew that they would be cared for and supported, which is to say, they knew that they would be loved here.Love can be expressed through a tear – in both sorrow and joy. A tear shed for the loss of a loved one. And a tear shed for the joyful memory of a loved one. The goal is to officially unveil the Memorial between Fall 2025 and Spring 2026. You can donate at https://www.daphealth.org/aids-memorial-fund/
We continue to enjoy Ruth Hardy Park. Click here for information.